Authors A-D

 All the books featured so far, in alphabetical order by author

see also:  authors E-K , L-Q, R-Z 

Aaronovitch, Ben Rivers of London

Abbott, Megan You Will Know Me

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Americanah

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi  Purple Hibiscus

Adler-Olsen, Jussi   Mercy

Adrian, Chris The Great Night

Aird, Catherine  The Religious Body  The Religious Body 2

Aird, Catherine The Complete Steel/The Stately Home Murder

Aird, Catherine His Burial Too

Aird, Catherine Slight Mourning

Aitmatov, Chingiz  Jamilia

Alain-Fournier  Le Grand Meaulnes  Le Grand Meaulnes 2

Alarcon, Daniel  At Night We Walk in Circles

Albertine, Viv Clothes Clothes Clothes Music Music Music Boys Boys Boys  Clothes Clothes Clothes Music Music Music Boys Boys Boys 2

Alcott, Louisa M
Little Women  Little Women 2  Little Women 3 Little Women 4 Little Women 5

Alcott, Louisa M Eight Cousins  Eight Cousins 2
Eight Cousins 3

Alcott, Louisa M Little Men

Alderton, Dolly Everything I Know About Love

Ali, Monica Untold Story

Allan, Mabel Esther  Death Goes Dancing

Allingham, Margery    TheTiger in the Smoke The Tiger in the Smoke 2     
Allingham, Margery  The Beckoning Lady The Beckoning Lady 2 (challenge results) 

Allingham, Margery Death of a Ghost

Allingham, Margery The Fashion in Shrouds The Fashion in Shrouds 2

Allingham, Margery  No Love Lost

Allingham, Margery Flowers for the Judge

Allingham, Margery The Snapdragon and the CID

Allingham, Margery Sweet Danger

Allingham, Margery Black Plumes Black Plumes 2

Allingham, Margery   The China Governess

**See also Mike Ripley's Mr Campion's Farewell **

Alliott, Catherine About Last Night... 

Ambler, Eric Epitaph for a Spy

Ambler, Eric The Light of Day

Ames, Delano Murder Maestro Please

Ames, Delano  Murder Begins at Home

Ames, Delano Corpse Diplomatique

Ames, Delano She Shall Have Murder

Amis, Kingsley The Old Devils

Amis, Kingsley  Lucky Jim   Lucky Jim 2

Amis, Kingsley  The James Bond Dossier

Amis, Kingsley  The Folks That Live On the Hill The 

Folks That Live On the Hill 2

Amis, Kingsley The Riverside Villas Murder

de Angelis, Augusto  The Mystery of the Three Orchids

Angelou, Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Anshaw, Carol Aquamarine

Anshaw, Carol Lucky in the Corner

Anthony, Michael David The Becket Factor

Anthony, Michael David  Midnight Come Midnight Come 2

Arditti, Michael

Arlen, Michael The Green Hat  The Green Hat 2  The Green Hat 3

Arlen, Michael The Romantic Lady

Arlen, Michael Hell! Said the Duchess

Armstrong, Charlotte A Little Less Than Kind

Armstrong, Charlotte The Dream Walker

Armstrong, Charlotte The Case of the Weird Sisters

Armstrong, Charlotte The Unsuspected

Arnold, Gaynor After Such Kindness   After Such Kindness 2  After Such Kindness 3

Arnow, Harriette  The Dollmaker

Ashford, Daisy The Young Visiters

Asimov, Isaac Season's Greetings, from Black Widowers stories

Assis, Machado de
A Chapter of Hats

Assis, Machado de  Admiral’s Night 

Assis, Machado de  Those cousins from Sapucaia!

Atherton, Carol Reading Lessons

Atkinson, Alex Exit Charlie

Atkinson, Kate Life After Life

Atkinson, Kate Transcription

Atkinson, Kate Started Early Took My Dog

Atkinson, Kate Big Sky

Balchin, Nigel The Small Back Room

Baldwin, Monica I Leap Over the Wall

Ballinger, Bill S Portrait in Smoke

Bannister, Jo Deadly Virtues

Banville, John The Newton Letter

Banville, John The Blue Guitar

Banville, John The Secret Guests

    (as BW Black) 

Banville, John Snow

Barber, Helen  Mollie's Choice

Barbies 1  Barbies 2

Barclay, Florence L The Rosary + The Rosary and the National Anthem

Barnard, Robert  Death of an Old Goat

****(see also this entry)

Barnard, Robert  A Scandal in Belgravia

Barnard, Robert The Skeleton in the Grass

Barne, Kitty  She Shall Have Music

Barne, Kitty  While the Music Lasted While the Music Lasted 2

Barne, Kitty Barbie

Barrows, Annie   Ivy + Bean

Barton, Fiona The Widow

Bassani, Giorgio
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis

The Garden of the Finzi-Continis 2

Baum, Vicki Mortgage on Life

Baum, Vicki Grand Hotel

Bawden, Nina The Odd Flamingo

Bax, Roger Blueprint for Murder
(see also Andrew Garve)

Beaton, Cecil The Glass of Fashion

Beauman, Ned The Teleportation Accident

Beauman, Sally

Bedford, Sybille   A Legacy  A Legacy 2

Beeding, Francis The Norwich Victims

Beeding, Francis  Death Walks in Eastrepps  Death Walks in Eastrepps 2

Bell, Josephine The Summer School Mystery

Bell, Josephine  A Question of Inheritance

Bell, Josephine Death at Half Term

Bell, Josephine   Death in Clairvoyance

Berkeley, Anthony The Wychford Poisoning Case

Berkeley, Anthony Murder in the Basement

Berkeley, Anthony The Piccadilly Murder

Berney, Lou  The Long and Faraway Gone The Long and Faraway Gone 2

Betjeman, John Christmas Poem

Bierce, Ambrose The Crimson Candle

Biggers, Earl Derr   The Agony Column

Bingham, John My Name is Michael Sibley

Bingham, Charlotte MI5 and Me

Bissell, Richard Seven and a Half Cents (Pajama Game)

Bissell, Richard Say, Darling

Black, BW The Secret Guests (see also John Banville)

Black, Shirley Temple    Child Star 

Blake, Nicholas There's Trouble Brewing There's Trouble Brewing 2

Blake, Nicholas End of Chapter

Blake, Nicholas  The Morning After Death

Blake, Nicholas Thou Shell of Death

Blake, Nicholas The Widow's Cruise

Blake, Nicholas A Question of Proof

Blake, Nicholas  Entry on Nigel Strangeways

Blake, William Cradle Song (poem)

Blakemore, Michael
Next Season

Block, Lawrence Out on The Cutting Edge

Block, Lawrence Hitman

Block, Lawrence Keller's Fedora

Blume, Judy Are You There God? It's Me Margaret

Blyton, Enid   The Secret Island

Blyton, Enid The Rat-a-Tat Mystery

Bonett, John & Emery No Grave for a Lady No Grave for a Lady 2 

Bonett, John & Emery  Dead Lion

Bourland, Barbara Fake Like Me

Boutell, Anita Death Has a Past

Boutell, Anita Tell Death to Wait

Bowen, Gail The Last Good Day

Bowers, Dorothy Deed Without a Name Fountains post

Bowers, Dorothy Postscript to Poison

Bowers, Dorothy Shadows Before

Bowers, Dorothy Fear For Miss Betony

Bowers, Dorothy The Bells at Old Bailey

Bowers, Dorothy Biographical talk

Bowers, Dorothy Shedunnit podcast 

Boyd, William  Restless

Bracken, Peg The I Hate to Cook Book

Braithwaite, Oyinkan My Sister the Serial Killer

Bramah, Ernest Kai Lung Unrolls his Mat

Brame, Charlotte M  Dora Thorne, Dora Thorne 2 

Branch, Pamela  The Wooden Overcoat The Wooden Overcoat 2

Brand, Christianna

Brand, Christianna Green for Danger

Brand, Christianna Death in High Heels

Brand, Christianna  The Rose in Darkness

Brand, Christianna Suddenly at His Residence (aka The Crooked Wreath)

Brand, Christianna Tour de Force

Brand, Christianna Death of Jezebel Death of Jezebel 2 + How we love a pageant in books

Brand, Christianna Off With His Head

Oh my God, What a Complete Aisling by Emer McLysaght & Sarah Breen

Brent-Dyer, Elinor M The Chalet School series + podcast

Brent-Dyer, Elinor M The Chalet School in Exile

Brent-Dyer, Elinor M The Chalet School Goes to It (aka The Chalet School at War)

Brett, Simon  Dead Side of the Mike

Bridge, Ann Illyrian Spring  (and see also Young Women Called Linnet, and One Old One  )

Bronte, Anne: see  Take Courage: Anne Bronte and the  Art of Life by Samantha Ellis

Bronte, Anne Agnes Grey

Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre  Jane Eyre 2

Bronte, Charlotte Shirley

Brook, Timothy Vermeer's Hat  Vermeer's Hat 2

Brookner, Anita   Hotel du Lac

Brookner, Anita A Private View

Brooks, Geraldine  The Secret Chord The Secret Chord 2

Brown, Craig  Hello Goodbye Hello

Brown, Tina The Palace Papers

Browne, Douglas G  Too Many 

Browne, Thomas Religio  Medici

Bruce, Alison The Siren

Bruce, Dorita Fairlie Dimsie Goes to School

Bruce, Leo Dead Man's Shoes

Brunt, Carol Rifka  Tell the Wolves I'm Home

Buckeridge, Anthony
Jennings and Darbishire

Buckley, Christopher The White House Mess
The White House Mess 2

Buist, Anne & Graeme Simsion     Two Steps Forward

Bull, Angela  Up the Attic Stairs Up the Attic Stairs 2

Bullen, Mike Trust

Burchell, Mary Under the Stars of Paris + Paris - and My Love

     as Ida Cook - We Followed Our Stars

Burgess, Anthony Earthly Powers

Burgess, Trevor The Mystery of the Missing Book

Burke, Alafair  The Ex

Burnett, Frances H
A Little Princess

Burnett, Frances H  The Secret Garden

Burnett, Frances H The Making of a Marchioness (Making of a Lady)   The Making of a Marchioness 2

Burnett, Frances H   The Shuttle  The Shuttle 2 The Shuttle 3

Burnett, Frances H The Lost Prince

Burns, KSR  Rules for the Perpetual Diet

Bush, Christopher The Case of the Tudor Queen

Bush, Christopher Dancing Death

Bush, Christopher The Case of the April Fools

Bushnell, Candace
Sex and the City

Bushnell, Candace Killing Monica

Bussi, Michel After the Crash

Butterworth, Michael Flowers for a Dead Witch

Butterworth, Michael  The Black Look

Byatt, AS Possession Possession 2

Byron, Lord She Walks in Beauty Like the Night (poem)
Byron, Lord 
Beppo (poem)  Beppo 2

Cain, James M Serenade

Cain, James M Career in C Major

Cameron, Peter Coral Glynn

Camilleri, Andrea  The Treasure Hunt

Cammuso & Seely  New Yorker:  Fierce Pajamas: Anthology of Humor Writing

Campion, Peter Model for Murder

Canning, Victor The Mask of Memory

Canning, Victor  The Rainbird Pattern

Canning, Victor Birdcage

Canning, Victor The Whip Hand

Canning, Victor  The Doomsday Carrier

Cannon, Joanna The Trouble with Goats and Sheep

Canter, Jon Worth

Capote, Truman Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Carey, Bernice  The Three Widows

Carey, Bernice The Man Who Got Away With It

Carr, JL A Month in the Country  + Tombs in Churches

Carr, John Dickson And so to Murder

Carr, John Dickson He Wouldn't Kill Patience

Carr, John Dickson  He Who Whispers

Carr, John Dickson  The Reader is Warned

Carr, John Dickson The Witch of the Low Tide

Carr, John Dickson Night at the Mocking Widow

Carr, John Dickson Dead Man's Knock

Carr, John Dickson The Judas Window

Carr, John Dickson  She Died A Lady

Carr, John Dickson The Mad Hatter Mystery

Carr, John Dickson  The Waxworks Murder (TNC Week 1) 

Carr, John Dickson The Case of the Constant Suicides (TNC Week 2) 

Carr, John Dickson  Till Death us Do Part, + list (TNC Week 3) 

Carr John Dickson Short Stories and Fashion (TNC Week 4) 

Carr, John Dickson The Emperor's Snuff Box (TNC week 5)

Carr, John Dickson Poison in Jest

Carr, John Dickson Black Spectacles/Problem of the Green Capsule

Carr, John Dickson  The Seat of the Scornful

Carr, John Dickson  Blind Man's Hood

Carr, John Dickson  Hag's Nook

Carr, John Dickson The Problem of the Wire Cage

Carr, John Dickson Murder in the Atlantic

Carr, John Dickson The House at Satan's Elbow

Carr, John Dickson The Sleeping Sphinx The Sleeping Sphinx 2

Carr, John Dickson It Walks by Night

Carr, John Dickson The Four False Weapons

Carr, John Dickson The Clue of the Red Wig

Carr, John Dickson  To Wake the Dead

Carr, John Dickson Seeing is Believing (Cross of Murder)

Carr, John Dickson The Gilded Man

Carr, John Dickson The Nine Wrong Answers

Carr, John Dickson The Man Who Could Not Shudder

Carr, John Dickson  Dark of the Moon

Carr John Dickson   Below Suspicion

Carswell, Catherine The Camomile

Carter, Angela  Nights at the Circus Nights at the Circus 2

Carter, Angela  The Bloody Chamber

Carter, Angela   Wise Children Wise Children 2 Wise Children 3

Cash, Wiley  This Dark Road to Mercy

Casson, Stanley Murder by Burial

Cather, Willa Shadows on the Rock Shadows on the Rock 2

Caudwell, Sarah Thus was Adonis Murdered

Caudwell, Sarah The Sirens Sang of Murder

Caudwell, Sarah  The Sibyl in Her Grave 

Cavafy, CP  Ithaka

Chabon, Michael Mysteries of Pittsburgh

Chabon, Michael See also this entry

Chabon, Michael Telegraph Avenue Telegraph Avenue 2

Chabon Michael, Wonder Boys Wonder Boys 2

Chabon, Michael Moonglow

Chandler, Raymond The Big Sleep The Big Sleep 2

Chandler, Raymond  Farewell, My Lovely

Chaplin, Elizabeth  Hostage to Fortune

[see also Jill McGown]

Charles, Kate False Tongues

Chbosky, Stephen The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Chekhov, Anton
Three Sisters

Chesterton, GK The Wisdom of Fr Brown 

Chesterton, GK  The Innocence of Fr Brown

Chevalier, Tracy At the Edge of the Orchard

Child, Lee The Visitor

Christiansen, Rupert Prima Donnas  Prima Donnas 2

Total Christie - how to find posts on all her works

Christie, Agatha   Christie on the Wrong Kind of Love

Christie, Agatha  Christie's Women and Love 

Christie, Agatha List of Top Five Favourite Books + Follow Up Post

Christie, Agatha  A List of Highs and Lows (Tuesday night 1)

Christie, Agatha A List of Christie Tropes (Tuesday night 3)

Christie, Agatha Clothes in Christie (Tuesday night 4)

Christie, Agatha entry on Miss Marple vs Miss Silver

Christie, Agatha
The Body in the Library + 
radio show discussion

Christie, Agatha A Caribbean Mystery (and repeated here)

Christie, Agatha And then there were none… And then there were none 2

Christie, Agatha ThePale Horse

Christie, Agatha Mrs McGinty’s Dead + Mrs McGinty's Dead, Spoiler Warning Podcast

Christie, Agatha Halloween Party

Christie, Agatha Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Christie, Agatha Death on the Nile  (& see also Young Women Called Linnet, and One Old One  )

Christie, Agatha The Sittaford Mystery

Christie, Agatha N or M?  N or M? 2 

Christie, Agatha Sad Cypress

Christie, Agatha Five Little Pigs Five Little Pigs 2 
Podcast on Five Little Pigs

Christie, Agatha  Dead Man's Folly

Christie, Agatha  The Labours of Hercules  The Labours of Hercules 2

Christie, Agatha Curtain: Poirot's Last Case

Christie, Agatha   Crooked House

Christie, Agatha  Sparkling Cyanide

Christie, Agatha The Secret of Chimneys

Christie, Agatha The Moving Finger

Christie, Agatha The Mystery of the Blue TrainMystery of the Blue Train 2

Christie, Agatha Murder is Easy Murder is Easy 2

Christie, Agatha  The Secret Adversary

Christie, Agatha By the Pricking of My Thumbs

Christie, Agatha  Death in the Clouds

Christie, Agatha Taken at the Flood

Christie, Agatha  The Hollow

Christie, Agatha  Murder at the Vicarage Murder at the Vicarage 2

Christie, Agatha The Man In The Brown Suit (and see also Anne Beddingfeld entry )The Man in the Brown Suit 3

Christie, Agatha  Death Comes as the End

Christie, Agatha A Murder is Announced A Murder is Announced podcast

Christie, Agatha Cat Among the Pigeons

Christie, Agatha Dumb Witness, Dumb Witness 2

Christie, Agatha  The Seven Dials Mystery

Christie, Agatha Appointment with 

Death Appointment with Death 2

Christie, Agatha They Came to Baghdad

Christie, Agatha  Murder in Mesopotamia

Christie, Agatha The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding

Christie, Agatha Nemesis

Christie, Agatha Sleeping Murder

Christie, Agatha  The Mysterious Affair at Styles  

podcast on The Mysterious Affair at Styles

Christie, Agatha The Murder of Roger Ackroyd The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 2 + Podcast

Christie, Agatha The Murder on the Links

Christie, Agatha Evil Under the Sun

Christie, Agatha Murder In the Mews

Christie, Agatha  Towards Zero + podcast

Christie, Agatha Peril at End House

Christie, Agatha Third Girl

Christie Agatha Hickory Dickory Dock

Christie, Agatha Endless Night

Christie, Agatha Three Act Tragedy

Christie, Agatha The Big Four

Christie, Agatha Lord Edgware Dies

Christie, Agatha Passenger to Frankfurt

Christie, Agatha The Mysterious Mr Quin

Christie, Agatha The ABC Murders

Christie, Agatha Partners in Crime

Christie, Agatha 4.50 From Paddington

Christie, Agatha Why Didn't They Ask Evans? - also features in this post on holidays in Christie

Christie, Agatha  The Clocks The Clocks 2

Christie, Agatha Postern of Fate

Christie, Agatha Ordeal by Innocence

Christie, Agatha The Hound of Death

Christie, Agatha One Two Buckle My Shoe

Christie, Agatha Elephants Can Remember

Christie, Agatha Destination Unknown

Christie, Agatha At Bertram's Hotel

Christie, Agatha They Do It With Mirrors

Christie, Agatha Miss Marple's Final Cases

Christie, Agatha After the Funeral

Christie, Agatha Miss Marple stories: Herb of Death

Christie, Agatha Miss Marple stories: Greenshaw's Folly

Christie, Agatha   Miss Marple stories: The Idol House of Astarte

Christie, Agatha Parker Pyne Investigates: The Case of the Rich Woman The House at Shiraz  The Case of the City Clerk

Christie, Agatha  Short Stories: Jane in Search of a Job 
impersonation post

Christie, Agatha  Short Story: Hercule Poirot and The Greenshore Folly

Christie, Agatha  Short Story   Within a Wall

Christie, Agatha Short Story A Christmas Tragedy

Christie, Agatha Short Story  The Bloodstained Pavement

Christie, Agatha  The Mysterious Mr Quin

Christie, Agatha  Poirot's Early Cases 
    - incl Victory Ball, Submarine Plans & Johnny Waverly

Christie, Agatha Poirot Investigates
      - incl  Western Star, Mystery of Hunter's Lodge, The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb

Post on holidays  and trips in Agatha Christie books

Christie, Agatha An Autobiography  An Autobiography 2

Christie, Agatha Come, Tell Me How You Live (Tuesday Night 3)  Come Tell Me How You Live 2

Christie Firsts: Best Introductory Books

(as Mary Westmacott) Absent in the Spring
(as Mary Westmacott) 
Giant’s Bread

      + podcast on The Mysterious Affair at Styles 

Clavering, Molly  Because of Sam

Claymore, Tod Appointment in New Orleans Appointment in New Orleans 2

Claymore, Tod Nest of Vipers

Cleeves, Ann The Spinster (short story)

Clevely, Hugh  Public Enemy

Cockin, Joan Villainy at Vespers

Cocteau, Jean Paris Album 1900-1914 Album 1900-1914

Coe, Jonathan The Rain Before it Falls

Coe, Jonathan Number 11

Coetzee, JM  Foe

Coggin, Joan The Mystery at Orchard House

Cohen, Ellen Laboring

Colegate, Isabel
Statues in a Garden

Claudine in Paris

Coles, Richard  Murder Before Evensong

Collins, Wilkie The New Magdalen

Comyns, Barbara Sisters by the River Sisters by the River 2

Connolly, Cressida After the Party

Cook, Ida 
 We Followed Our Stars

Cooper, Jilly  Tackle!

Coren, Victoria For Richer For Poorer
Cornford, John   (Poem)  To Margot Heinemann

Cornwell, Bernard Fools and Mortals

Corry, Jane My Husband's Wife

Courbet, Gustave - picture  Dressing the Bride

Courcy, Anne de       Diana Mosley

Courtney, Gwendoline  Stepmother (aka Those Verney Girls, aka Elizabeth of the Garret Theatre)

Courtney, Gwendoline Sally's Family

Cowdroy, Joan A The Murder of Lydia

Craig, Amanda
A Vicious Circle

Craig, Amanda The Lie of the Land

Craig, Amanda The Three Graces

Crampton, Caroline  Shedunnit podcast

Crampton, Caroline The Way to the Sea

Crider, Bill Cursed to Death

Crispin, Edmund Holy Disorders

Crispin, Edmund Swan Song

Crispin, Edmund  The Long Divorce

Crispin, Edmund Love Lies Bleeding

Crispin, Edmund Glimpses of the Moon

Crofts, Freeman Wills Antidote to Venom

Crombie, Deborah  In a Dark House

Cullingford, Guy Conjurer's Coffin

Cullingford, Guy Framed for Hanging

Cumming, Charles Box 88

Cumming, Charles Judas 62

Dalton, Moray The Night of Fear

Dalton, Moray Death in the Dark

Dalton, Moray The Mystery of the Kneeling Woman

Daly, Elizabeth  The Book of the Dead  

Daly, Elizabeth Nothing Can Rescue Me

Daly, Elizabeth  And Dangerous to Know

Daly, Elizabeth The Book of the Crime

Daly, Elizabeth Murders in Volume 2

Daly, Paula The Trophy Child   

Daly, Paula Open Your Eyes

Dane, Clemence & Simpson, Helen Enter Sir John
Dane, Clemence  Broome Stages

Dane, Clemence Regiment of Women Regiment of Women 2

Dane, Clemence  The Flower Girls

Darwin, Charles Voyage of the Beagle  Voyage of the Beagle 2
Davenport-Hines, Richard An English Affair

Davidson, James    The Greeks and Greek Love

Biography of Dorothy Day

Day, Elizabeth  The Party

Day, Elizabeth Magpie 

Day, Marele The Last Tango of Dolores Delgado

Day Lewis, Cecil - see Nicholas Blake above

Day Lewis, Cecil The Christmas Tree (poem)

de Courcy, Anne Diana Mosley

Deaver, Jeffrey The Vanished Man

Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe

Deighton, Len  The Ipcress File  The Ipcress File 2

Deighton, Len Berlin Game

Deighton, Len Mexico Set

Deighton, Len London Match

Deighton, Len Spy Hook

Deighton, Len Spy Line

Deighton, Len Spy Sinker

Deighton, Len Faith

Deighton, Len Hope

Deighton, Len Charity

Deighton, Len Funeral in Berlin Funeral in Berlin 2

Delafield, EM Diary of a Provincial Lady  Diary of a Provincial Lady 2   Diary of a Provincial Lady 3
Diary of a Provincial Lady 4   Diary of a Provincial Lady 5

Delany, Vicki In the Shadow of the Glacier

DeMille, Nelson The Book Case

Dennis, Patrick  Auntie Mame Auntie Mame 2  Auntie Mame 3

Dennys, Joyce Henrietta's War (and see also Young Women Called Linnet, and One Old One  )

Dennys, Joyce Henrietta Sees It Through 

Deverell, William Trial of Passion

Devine, DM  My Brother’s Killer

Dickens, Charles Nicholas Nickleby Nicholas Nickleby 2

Dickens, CharlesDavid Copperfield

Dickens, Charles The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Dickens, Charles A Tale of Two Cities

Dickens, Monica    One Pair of Hands One Pair of Hands 2

Dickens, Monica  The House at World's End

Dickens, Monica  The Happy Prisoner

Dickens, Monica The Fancy

Dicker, Joel   The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair

Dickson, Carter see Carr, John Dickson - above

Dickinson, Peter
Death of a Unicorn

Dickinson, Peter Some Deaths Before Dying

Dickinson, Peter King and Joker

Dickinson, Peter Skeleton-in-Waiting

Disraeli, Benjamin Sybil, or The Two Nations

Donald, Anabel In at the Deep End

Donald, Anabel Uncommon Murder

Donald, Anabel In the Loop

Donald, Anabel  The Glass Ceiling

Donald, Anabel Destroy Unopened

Donald, Anabel  Poor Dear Charlotte

Donne, John A Nocturnal Upon St Lucy's Day

Donoghue, Emma The Wonder

Donovan, Anne
Being Emily

Donovan, Anne  Gone are the Leaves Gone are the Leaves 2

Douglas, O  Penny Plain Penny Plain 2

Doyle, Arthur Conan   A Scandal in Bohemia

Drabble, Margaret A Summer Bird-Cage

Drabble, Margaret The Millstone

Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie

Duffy, Maureen   The Orpheus Trail

Duffy, Stella Face Value (short story)

Dumas Fils, Alexandre La Dame Aux Camelias

Du Maurier, Daphne
Don’t Look Now

Du Maurier, Daphne The Scapegoat

Du Maurier, Daphne Jamaica Inn Jamaica Inn 2

Du Maurier, Daphne A Borderline Case, from Don't Look Now & Other Stories

Du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca Rebecca 2

Du Maurier, Daphne The Parasites

Dunbar, Paul L   Poem: Christmas Carol

Duncan, Francis Murder for Christmas

Duncan, Jane My Friends the Miss Boyds

Duncan, Jane  My Friend Monica

Duncan, Jane My Friend Annie

Duncan, Jane  My Friend Sandy

Duncan, Jane  My Friend Martha's Aunt

Duncan, Jane  My Friend Rose

Duncan, Jane My Friend Madame Zora My Friend Madame Zora 2

Duncan, Jane My Friend Flora

Duncan, Jane My Friend Cousin Emmie

Duncan, Jane  My Friends the Mrs Millers

Duncan, Jane My Friends from Cairnton

Duncan, Jane My Friend My Father

Duncan, Jane My Friends the Hungry Generation

Duncan, Jane My Friend the Swallow

Duncan, Jane My Friend Sashie

Duncan, Jane My Friends the Misses Kindness

Duncan, Jane My Friends George and Tom

Duncan, Jane Overview and List

Duncan, Jane Academic Study

Dundy, Elaine The Dud Avocado  The Dud Avocado 2 The Dud Avocado 3

Dunn, Carola Mistletoe and Murder

Dunn, Nell
Poor Cow

Dunsany, Lord Two Bottles of Relish (Friday Fright Night)

Duranti, Francesca Happy Ending

Durrell, Gerald My Family and Other Animals

Durrell, Gerald Myself and Other Animals

Dylan, Bob  Chronicles   Chronicles 2
