Authors E-K

All the books featured so far, in alphabetical order by author, E-K

Edugyan, Esi Half Blood Blues  Half Blood Blues 2

Edwards, Martin The Golden Age of Murder - guest post  The Golden Age of Murder - review

Edwards, Martin The Cipher Garden

Edwards, Martin  The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books 2

Edwards, Martin Gallows Court

Edwards, Martin Mortmain Hall

Edwards, Martin The Life of Crime (blog tour) +review in the i newspaper

Edwards, Martin Blackstone Fell

Ekback, Cecilia Wolf Winter

Eliot, George Daniel Deronda Daniel Deronda 2

Eliot, George Silas Marner

Eliot, TS Murder in the Cathedral

Eliot, TS Journey of the Magi

Ellin, Stanley The Corruption of Officer Avakadian

Ellin, Stanley Death on Christmas Eve

       -- see also here

Ellis, AE  The Rack also features in Books on Illness

Ellis, Bret Easton  White

Ellis, Samantha   How to be a Heroine

Ellis, Samantha Take Courage: Anne Bronte and the 

Art of Life

Ellwood, Nuala  My Sister's Bones

Elton, Charles Mr Toppit

Emmerson, Miranda Miss Tredway and the Field of Stars

Endicott, Marina  The Little Shadows The Little Shadows 2  The Little Shadows 3  The Little Shadows 4

Endicott, Marina Close to Hugh Close to Hugh 2

Engel, Amy The Roanoke Girls

England, Barry  Figures in a Landscape

Enrich, David The Spider Network

Ephron, Nora I Feel Bad about my Neck

Espach, Alison  The Wedding People

Eugenides, Jeffrey The Marriage Plot

Eustis, Helen  The Horizontal Man

Evans, Curtis - editor   Murder in the Closet + Trip to New York for Edgars

Evans, Harriet The Wildflowers

Evans, Harriet The Garden of Lost and Found

Evans, Harriet The Beloved Girls

Evans, Lissa Crooked Heart,  Crooked Heart 2

Evans, Lissa Their Finest Hour and a Half Their Finest 2

Evans, Lissa Spencer's List

Evans, Lissa Wed Wabbit

Evans, Lissa Old Baggage

Evans, Lissa V for Victory

Lissa Evans in themed entry:  Character names in books - in living memory

Evans, Lissa Small Bomb at Dimperley

Ewan, Chris  Long Time Lost

Faber, Michel Under The Skin

Faherty, Terence Live to Regret

Fair, Elizabeth A Winter Away

Fair Flower of Northumberland - traditional ballad, linked to Mary Stewart's The Ivy Tree

Falkner, J Meade  The Nebuly Coat The Nebuly Coat 2

Falkner, J Meade Moonfleet

Falkner, J Meade  Christmas Day: The Family Sitting (poem)

Fallon, Jane Strictly Between Us

Fallon, Jane Sweet Revenge

Fallon, Jane Faking Friends

Fallon, Jane Tell me a Secret

Fallon, Jane Queen Bee

Farjeon, Eleanor  ... And a Perle in the Myddes

Farjeon, Eleanor The Glass Peacock

Farjeon, J Jefferson Mystery in White

Farrell, JG Troubles  Troubles 2

Farrell, MJ - see Keane, Molly below

Faulks, Sebastian A Week in December

Fellowes, Julian Snobs

Fenisong, Ruth Miscast for Murder

Fenisong, Ruth The Wench is Dead

Fennell, Louise  Dead Rich

Ferguson, Patricia Peripheral Vision

Ferguson, Patricia Aren't We Sisters? Aren't We Sisters? 2

Ferrante, Elena My Brilliant Friend

Ferrante, Elena The Story of a New Name

Ferrars, Elizabeth  Give a Corpse a Bad Name

Ferrars, Elizabeth  Alibi for a Witch

Ferrars, Elizabeth Skeleton in Search of a Cupboard

Ferrars, Elizabeth  Murder in Time

Ferrars, Elizabeth Furnished for Murder

Ferrars, Elizabeth  Murder Among Friends

Ferrars, Elizabeth Smoke Without Fire

Ferrars, Elizabeth The Lying Voices

Ferrars, Elizabeth Hunt the Tortoise

Fermor, Patrick Leigh  The Broken Road

Fetta, Emma Lou  Murder in Style

Fielding, Helen Bridget Jones’s Diary  Bridget Jones's Diary 2

Fielding, Helen  Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy Mad About the Boy 2

Fielding, Helen Bridget Jones's Baby

Fielding, Helen - author talk

Fisher, Lucy Witch Way Now? 

Fisher, MFK  The Theoretical Foot

Fitt, Mary Three Sisters Flew Home 

Fitt, Mary Clues to Christabel

Fitzgerald, F Scott The Great Gatsby  The Great Gatsby 2  The Great Gatsby 3

Fitzgerald, F Scott  Bernice Bobs Her Hair

Fitzgerald, F Scott  The Beautiful and Damned

Fitzgerald, Pat Keep Away From Those Ferraris

Fitzgerald, Penelope  Charlotte Mew and her Friends  biography

Fleming, Ian The Man with the Golden Typewriter: The James Bond Letters

--see also  Amis, Kingsley  The James Bond Dossier

Fleming, Ian Casino Royale

Fleming, Ian Live and Let Die Live and Let Die 2

Fleming, Ian Moonraker Moonraker 2

Fleming, Ian Diamonds Are Forever 

Fleming, Ian Thunderball   Thunderball 2

Fleming, Ian The Spy Who Loved Me, The Spy Who Loved Me 2

Fleming, Ian On Her Majesty's Secret ServiceOHMSS 2, OHMSS 3

Fleming, Ian You Only Live Twice

Fleming, Ian The Man With the Golden Gun

Fleming, Ian Octopussy & The Living Daylights

Fleming, Ian James Bond Books - Roundup Post: James Bond in Love

+ continuation Bond novel by Anthony Horowitz, With a Mind to Kill

Fleming, Joan Every Inch a Lady

Flett, Kathryn Separate Lives

Flynn, Brian The Orange Axe

Flynn, Brian The Case of the Painted Ladies

Flynn, Gillian  Gone Girl

Foley, Lucy The Hunting Party

Footner, Hulbert  The Velvet Hand

Ford, Ford Madox Parade's End: Some Do Not...  Some Do Not... 2

         No More Parades No More Parades 2

            A Man Could Stand Up

            Last Post   Last Post 2

Ford, Ford Madox Parade's End: piece for the Guardian on Sylvia Tietjens

Ford, Ford Madox The Fifth Queen Trilogy The Fifth Queen Trilogy 2  Wolves in Books and Book Titles

Ford, Jamie Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Ford, Richard Independence Day

Forest, Antonia End of Term End of Term 2

Forest, Antonia   Falconer's Lure

Forest, Antonia  Peter's Room

Forest, Antonia Autumn Term

Forest, Antonia  - Book Recommendations

Forester, CS  Plain Murder

Fossum, Karin  In the Darkness

Fowler, Christopher The Book of Forgotten Authors

Fox, Sebastian  Odd Woman Out

Frankau, Pamela Sing For Your Supper

Franklin, Ariana Mistress of the Art of Death

Franklin, Ariana  The Death Maze

Franklin, Ariana Relics of the Dead

Franklin, Ariana The Assassin's Prayer

Fraser, Antonia  Oxford Blood Oxford Blood 2

Frayn, Michael  Towards the End of the Morning Towards the End of the Morning 2

Freeling, Nicolas Double-Barrel

Freeling, Nicolas Aupres de ma Blonde  A Long Silence

Fremlin, Celia The Trouble-Makers

Fremlin, Celia Uncle Paul

Fremlin, Celia The Long Shadow

French, Tana  The Secret Place

French, Tana The Trespasser

French, Tana In the Woods

French, Tana The Likeness

French, Tana The Wych Elm

French, Tana The Searcher

French, Tana The Hunter

Freudenberger, Nell The Newlyweds

Fuller, Claire  Our Endless Numbered Days

Fuller, Claire Swimming Lessons

Fyfield, Frances Blood From Stone

Gaiman, Neil The Case of Death and Honey (short story)

Galbraith, Robert (JK Rowling)  The Cuckoo's Calling, The Cuckoo's Calling 2

Galbraith, Robert (JK Rowling) The Silkworm The Silkworm 2

Galbraith, Robert (JK Rowling) The Ink Black Heart

Galbraith, Robert (JK Rowling) The Running Grave

Gallico, Paul Mrs Harris Goes to Paris

Gallico, Paul  Mrs Harris Goes to New York

Galt, John Annals of the Parish 1 Annals of the Parish 2

Gardam, Jane A Long Way From Verona

Gardiner, Kelly  Goddess

Gardner, Erle Stanley The Knife Slipped

Gardner, Erle Stanley The Case of the Turning Tide

Gardner, Erle Stanley Owls Don't Blink

Gardner, Lyn Olivia's First Term

Gardner, Sally The Weather Woman

Garve, Andrew  The Galloway Case

Garve, Andrew The File on Lester

(see also Roger Bax)

Gaskell, Mrs Wives and Daughters

Gaskell, Mrs   North and South  North and South 2 North and South 3

Gavalda, Anna Hunting and Gathering

Gheon, Henri Christmas in the Marketplace

Gibbons, Stella Cold Comfort Farm   Cold Comfort Farm 2

Gibbons, Stella Cake

Gibbons, Stella   Westwood   Westwood 2

Gibbons, Stella Starlight Starlight 2 Starlight 3

Gibbons, Stella The Woods in Winter

Gibbons, Stella The Bachelor The Bachelor 2 The Bachelor 3

Gilbert, Anthony The Black Stage

Gilbert, Anthony The Spinster's Secret   The Spinster's Secret 2

Gilbert, Anthony Death in Fancy Dress

Gilbert, Anthony The Clock in the Hatbox

Gilbert, Anthony Death Knocks Three Times

Gilbert, Anthony  30 Days to Live

Gilbert, Anthony She Shall Die

Gilbert, Anthony The Bell of Death

Gilbert, Anthony Out For The Kill

Gilbert, Anthony The Woman in Red

Gilbert, Anthony Riddle of a Lady

[see also Anne Meredith]

Gilbert, Elizabeth City of Girls

Gilbert,  Michael  Smallbone Deceased

Gilbert, Michael The Night of the Twelfth

Gilbert, Michael The Empty House

Gilbert, Michael Death Has Deep Roots

Gilbert, Michael Death of a Favourite Girl (aka The Killing of Katie Steelstock)

Gilbert, Michael Close Quarters

Gilbert, Michael Black Seraphim

Gill, Elizabeth What Dread Hand?

Gillett, Louise Surviving Schizophrenia

Gillies, Andrea  The White Lie

Gilmour, David   The Film Club

Ginder, Grant The People we Hate at the Wedding

Glaspell, Susan A Jury of her Peers

Glyn, Elinor The Visits of Elizabeth

Glyn, Elinor  Three Weeks

Godden, Rumer Thursday's Children Thursday's 

Children 2  Thursday's Children 3

Godden, Rumer Listen to the Nightingale

Gogol, Nikolia Taras Bulba

Gold, Glen David Carter Beats the Devil  Carter Beats the Devil 2

Golden, Arthur
Memoirs of a Geisha

Golding, Julia The Diamond of Drury Lane

Golding, William Rites of Passage

Goldsmith, Oliver  The Vicar of Wakefield

Goldsworthy, Vesna  Gorsky

Goldsworthy, Vesna Monsieur Ka

Goolrick, Robert A Reliable Wife

Gordon, Esther  A Pair of Wellingtons

Gordon, Helen Landfall

Gordon, Kim Girl in a BandGirl in a Band 2

Gordon, Richard Doctor in the House  Doctor in the House 2

Gorres, Ida The Hidden Face of Ste Therese

Gosling, Paula A Running Duck

Gottlieb, Eli Now You See Him

Goudge, Elizabeth  The Dean's Watch The Dean's Watch 2 The Dean's Watch 3

Goudge, Elizabeth The White Witch The White Witch 2

Goudge, Elizabeth A City of Bells A City of Bells 2 A City of Bells 3

Gowers, Rebecca   When to Walk

Grafton, Sue T is for Trespass

Grafton, Sue U is for Undertow

Graham, Caroline  Murder at Madingley Grange

Graham, Laurie  The Importance of Being Kennedy  The Importance of Being Kennedy 2

Graham, Laurie The Night in Question   The Night in Question 2

Grahame, Kenneth  The Wind in the Willows

Grant, Gwen Knock And Wait Knock and Wait 2

Grant, Linda  I Murdered My Library

Grant, Linda Upstairs at the Party  Upstairs at the Party 2

Grant, Linda  The Clothes on Their Backs

Grant, Linda The Thoughtful Dresser

Grant, Linda Dark Circle

Grant, Linda A Stranger City

Grant-Adamson, Lesley Patterns in the Dust

Gray, Dulcie Epitaph for an Actor

Greenblatt, Stephen Will in the World

Green, Michael The Art of Coarse Acting

Greene, Graham Brighton Rock

Greene, Graham Travels with my Aunt   Travels with my Aunt 2  Travels with my Aunt 3   Travels with my Aunt 4

Greene, Graham The Third Man

Greene, Graham The End of the Affair

Gregory, Augusta (Lady Gregory) Donal Og or The Grief of a Young Girl's Heart (poem)

Gregory, Philippa The Other Boleyn Girl   The Other Boleyn Girl 2  The Other Boleyn Girl 3 Fountains post

Gregory, Philippa  The Kingmaker's Daughter

Gregory, Philippa  The Boleyn Inheritance 

Gregory, Philippa The King's Curse

Gregory, Philippa  The Taming of the Queen

Grieves, Tom   A Cry in the Night

Griffiths, Elly Dying Fall

Griffiths, Elly Ruth's First Christmas Tree

Griffiths, Elly The Outcast Dead

Griffiths, Elly  The Zig Zag Girl

Griffiths, Elly The Ghost Fields

Griffiths, Elly  Smoke and Mirrors

Griffiths, Elly  The Woman in Blue

Griffiths, Elly The Blood Card

Griffiths, Elly The Crossing Places

Griffiths, Elly The Chalk Pit

Griffiths, Elly The Vanishing Box

Griffiths, Elly  The Dark Angel

Griffiths, Elly Ruth and Harry - an overview by CiB

Griffiths, Elly The Stranger Diaries The Stranger Diaries 2

Griffiths, Elly The Stone Circle

Griffiths, Elly A Girl Called Justice

Griffiths, Elly Now You See Them

Griffiths, Elly The Lantern Men

Griffiths Elly  The Postscript Murders

Griffiths, Elly The Night Hawks

Griffiths, Elly   The Frozen People

Groen, Hendrik   The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen

Grossman, David To the End of the Land

Grossmith, George and Weedon  Diary of a Nobody Diary of a Nobody 2

Guy, John Thomas Becket

Habberton, John Helen's Babies

Haddam, Jane Precious Blood

Haddam, Jane Not a Creature Was Stirring

Haigh, Jennifer Mrs Kimble

Hall, Araminta  Dot

Hallberg, Garth Risk City on Fire

Hallett, Janice The Twyford Code

Halliwell, Leslie Seats in All Parts + Film Guides

Hammer, Chris Scrublands

Hammett, Dashiell The Maltese Falcon

Hare, Cyril That Yew Tree's Shade (US: Death Walks the Woods)

Hare, Cyril An English Murder

Harington, Donald The Architecture Of The Arkansas Ozarks

Harman, Harriet A Woman's Work

Harrington, Rebecca Penelope

Harris Jane
Gillsespie and I

Harris, Lee The Christmas Night Murder

Harris, Robert An Officer and a Spy

Harris, Robert Enigma

Harris, Robert Conclave

Harrison, Jim True North

Hart, Carolyn  Brave Hearts

Hart, Carolyn  Letter From Home

Hawkins, Paula  The Blue Hour

Hay, Mavis Doriel  Death on the Cherwell

Hayes, Terry  I am Pilgrim

Heald, Paul J Death in Eden

Heaney, Seamus  Sheets, from Clearances (poem)

Heiny, Katherine Standard Deviation

Heiny, Katherine Early Morning Riser

Heiny, Katherine Games and Rituals

Heley, Veronica False Step

Hemingway, Ernest A Moveable Feast

Henry, O The Gift of the Magi

Hensher, Philip King of the Badgers

Hepple, Anne The Piper in the Wind The Piper in the Wind 2 The Piper in the Wind 3

Hepworth, Sue Plotting for Grown-Ups

Hepworth, Sue Zuzu's Petals

Hepworth, Sue Even When They Know You

Herron, Mick Real Tigers

Herron, Mick Spook Street

Herron, Mick London Rules

Herron, Mick This is What Happened

Herron, Mick Joe Country

Herron, Mick The Usual Santas

Heyer, Georgette Why Shoot a Butler?

Heyer, Georgette Charity Girl

Heyer, Georgette No Wind of Blame

Heyer, Georgette  Black Sheep

Heyer, Georgette Envious Casca Envious Casca 2

Heyer, Georgette Behold Here's Poison

Heyer, Georgette  Detection Unlimited

Heyer, Georgette The Unfinished Clue

Heyer, Georgette Death in the Stocks

Heyer, Georgette A Blunt Instrument

Heyer, Georgette Faro's Daughter

Heyer, Georgette Duplicate Death

Heyer, Georgette They Found him Dead

Highsmith, Patricia Strangers on a Train

       -- see also here 

Hijuelos, Oscar  Mr Ives' Christmas Mr Ives' Christmas 2 Mr Ives' Christmas 3

Hill, Tobias  The Love of Stones

Hillis, Marjorie  Live Alone and Like It Live Alone and 

Like It 2

Hinkson, Jake  Saint Homicide

Hitchens, Dolores Sleep With Slander

Hitchman, Beatrice   Petite Mort

Hitchman, Janet King of the Barbareens

--also Such a Strange Lady: Life of Dorothy L Sayers

Hjortsberg, William Falling Angel 1, Falling Angel 2

Hocking, Mary The Very Dead of Winter

Hogan, Michael   Burial of the Dead

Holding, Elizabeth Sanxay Lady Killer

Hollinghurst, Alan   The Line of Beauty

Holt, Anne The Blind Goddess

Holton, Leonard The Saint Maker

Hone, Joseph The Sixth Directorate

Honeyman, Gail  Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Hooper, John The Italians  The Italians 2

Hoover, Colleen Too Late

Hornby, Lesley, aka Twiggy    Twiggy in Black and White

Hornby, Nick High Fidelity   High Fidelity 2

Hornby, Nick Funny Girl

Horowitz, Anthony The Word is Murder

Horowitz, Anthony With a Mind to Kill - James Bond

Howatch, Susan The Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune 2

Hughes, Dorothy B The So Blue Marble

Hughes-Hallett, Lucy  Peculiar Ground

Hugo, Victor Les Miserables

Hull, Katharine & Whitlock, Pamela  Crowns Crowns 2

Hull, Richard Excellent Intentions

Ironside, Elizabeth  Death in the Garden and other books

Irwin, Robert Wonders Will Never Cease 

Irwin, Robert Exquisite Corpse

Isherwood, Christopher  Lions and Shadows Lions and Shadows 2

Ishiguro, Kazuo The Buried Giant

Jacey, Helen Jailbird Detective Elvira Slate

Jackson, Kate  Vintage Mystery Subscription Box

Jackson, Kate The Pocket Detective

Jackson, Shirley We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Jaffe, Rona The Best of Everything The Best of Everything 2   The Best of Everything 3 The Best of Everything 4

James, Henry The Wings of the Dove  The Wings of the Dove 2 The Wings of theDove 3

James, Henry The Aspern Papers

James MR Casting the Runes / Night of the Demon

James, PD Cover Her Face

James, PD Shroud for a Nightingale

James, PD The Mistletoe Murder

James, Robert Death Wears Pink Shoes

Jamieson, Kerry The Forgotten Lies

Janowitz, Tama Slaves of New York

Jansson, Tove The Invisible Child

Japrisot, Sebastian  A Very Long Engagement  A Very Long Engagement 2

Jay, Charlotte  Beat Not the Bones

Jecks, Michael The Death Ship of Dartmouth

Jenkins, Hubert Patricia Brent, Spinster

Jenkins, Elizabeth  The Tortoise and the Hare

Jennings, Maureen Except the Dying

Jerome, Jerome K Three Men in a Boat  Three Men in a Boat 2  Three Men in a Boat 3

Jewell, Lisa The Making of Us 

John, Rebecca F The Haunting of Henry Twist

Johnson, Pamela Hansford An Avenue of Stone (see also Nap Lombard)

Johnson, Pamela Hansford The Good Listener

Kafka-esque: stories to mark 100 year anniversary of his death

Kakonis, Tom  Michigan Roll

Kamal, Sheena Eyes Like Mine

Kanon, Joseph Defectors

Kasasian, MRC The Mangle St Murders                          

Kavenna, Joanna
Come to the Edge

Kay, Francesca Translation of the Bones

Keane, Molly The Rising Tide The Rising Tide 2

Keane,  Molly  Good Behaviour

Keane, Molly Treasure Hunt

Keane, Molly Loving and Giving

Keegan-Phipps, Simon & Winter, Trish   Performing Englishness

Keeler, Christine  Nothing But....

Kehlmann, Daniel  Me And Kaminski

Keilson, Hans Comedy in a Minor Key

Kelly, Erin   The Skeleton Key

Kelly, Mary The Spoilt Kill

Kelly, Nora Old Wounds

Kennedy, JF: archive Wedding pictures

Kennedy, Ludovic The Trial of Stephen Ward  The Trial of Stephen Ward 2

Kennedy, Margaret  Lucy Carmichael Lucy Carmichael 2 Lucy Carmichael 3 Lucy Carmichael 4

Kennedy, Margaret The Constant Nymph

[and see also this entry: Brown Pamela  Golden Pavements]

Kennedy, Margaret The Feast

Kennedy, Margaret The Ladies of Lyndon

        + literary biography by Violet Powell, the Constant Novelist

Kent, Christobel A Party in San Niccolo

Kent, Christobel The Loving Husband

Keverne, Richard The Man in the Red Hat

Keyes, Frances Parkinson Dinner at Antoine's

Keyes, Marian The Mystery of Mercy Close

Keyes, Marian Making It Up As I Go Along

Keyes, Marian  The Break

Kinberg, Margot (ed)  Petrona Remembered: the 'In a Word:Murder' anthology

Kinberg, Margot Past Tense

Kinberg, Margot Downfall

King, Clive Stig of the Dump  Stig of the Dump 2 Stig of the Dump 3

King, Laurie R Justice Hall  Justice Hall

King, Laurie R Locked Rooms  Locked Rooms 2

King, Laurie R The Marriage of Mary Russell

King, Laurie R Mary's Christmas

King, Stephen
The Shining

King-Hall, Madeleine Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion 2

Kingsolver, Barbara The Lacuna

Kipling, Rudyard   The Just-So Stories

Kipling, Rudyard  Mrs Bathurst

Kipling, Rudyard Kim

Kipling, Rudyard  Three and - an Extra
(from Plain Tales from the Hills)

Kirschman, Ellen Burying Ben

Kleist  Marquis of O

Knight, India Darling (see also Nancy Mitford, Pursuit of Love)

Knight, Kathleen Moore Death Goes to a Reunion

Knight, Kathleen Moore Exit a Star

Knight, Renee  Disclaimer

Konigsburg, EL My Father’s Daughter (AKA Father’s Arcane Daughter) 

Kordemsky, Boris A The Moscow Puzzles

Kutak, Rosemary Darkness of Slumber

Kutak, Rosemary   I Am the Cat

Kwan, Kevin Lies and Weddings  Lies and Weddings 2 (link to Mysteries and More)
