& two more wedding dresses - Courbet and Mulready/Goldsmith
My Favourite Blogposts - out of 2500
- featuring Caroline Crampton's A Body Made of Glass
& more Chalet Books: The Chalet School in Exile
+ second entry + Black Plumes 2 + Rudyard Kipling Three and - an Extra + EF Benson, Mapp and Lucia + More Mourning
(Styles, Vicarage, Ackroyd, Cards, Announced, Funeral, Pigs, Zero, Mrs McGinty)
Shedunnit podcast on Dorothy Bowers
(i newspaper)
American reactions to the death of the Queen (opinion piece, i newspaper)
Nativity Plays
Book Blog Bingo: Overused phrases and themes
Friday Fright Night
School Uniform Panics
Blog beginnings and re-launch, Nov 2019
The Importance of Bookshops
Art and Music: Vallotton and Eno
Bodies From the Library 2019 + another entry on Bodies and Humdrums
Friday Fright Night
School Uniform Panics
Blog beginnings and re-launch, Nov 2019
The Importance of Bookshops
Art and Music: Vallotton and Eno
Bodies From the Library 2019 + another entry on Bodies and Humdrums
Christie Murder Methods and Summer Dresses
Detection Club Dinner - Summer 2019
Barbies 1 & Barbies 2
Easter Poems
Schoolgirl Detectives + More Schoolgirl Detectives
Irish Novels for St Patrick's Day
Twelfth Night Again
Reprint of the Year Award
Caroline Crampton's Shedunnit podcast + another Shedunnit podcast
Armistice Day 2018
National Poetry Day 2018
William Shakespeare's Sonnet Sunday at the Globe
Best Book for Convalescents Best for Convalescents 2 - Reader Suggestions
Best Shipboard Books
Halliwell Film Guides
Clothes Panics in Books - Clothes Panics from Readers
Bodies From The Library Conference: June 2018
Evans, Curtis - editor Murder in the Closet (with contribution from Clothes in Books)
+ 2018 Trip to New York awards ceremony as the book was nominated for an Edgar
+ Mysterious Bookshop in New York
Best Crime Books of 2014
Second Birthday Highlights Jan 2014
Best Books of 2013
Best Detective Fiction of 2013
Best of the Blog 2012
One Year Blog Anniversary, Jan 2013
Best Crime Fiction Entries of 2012
Tuesday Night Club - Tuesday Night Bloggers
RIP Bernadette at Reactions to Reading
Valentine's Day
The Big Houses of Ireland in Literature
Petrona Remembered: A Book for Maxine
How Ballerinas Keep Their Stockings Up
Ian Fleming's James Bond Books - Roundup Post: James Bond in Love
Michael Lewis and the Birth of Online Commenting
Verdict of Us All: Best Christmas Mysteries
News Roundup on the blog
History and Mystery: Inaccuracies in Crime Books
History and Mystery: 1950s books, old and new
Guardian: Halloween: Seances and Fortune Tellers (click through for Guardian books section)
Author Interview: Christine Poulson
Children in Crime: The Curious Case of the Missing Children
-- re-blogged here
Crime in Costume: Masks and Masquerade/Fancy Dress Parties
Crime in Costume: Harlequins and Columbines
Crime in Costume: Holmes Fancy Dress Party
Verdict of Us All: A Book to Get Rid Of
Verdict of Us All: Just one More Book...
Verdict of Us All: Who Wrote only one good Book?
Edwards, Martin The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books
Christie Firsts: Best Introductory Books
Joint list with Christine Poulson: Books set in Universities
Cross-Blog Reviewing: Duranti, Francesca Happy Ending
Independent Booksellers' Week 2016: The Questions
Oxford vs Cambridge in Crime Mysteries (Tuesday Night)
Post on holidays and trips in Agatha Christie books (Tuesday Night Meme)
Guesting over at Prashant's Three C's blog
Toxic Marriages in Crime Fiction
Lane, Carla TV Writer and Landlady
Crime stories set in schools (Tuesday Night Academia meme)
Guest Blog: Hunting for Heroines on Sara O'Leary's This is Sadie
Crime and Travel: The Right Clothes (Tuesday Night Travel meme)
Fashion and Fiction at the V&A - Dunant, Sarah
Cross-Blog Reviewing with Christine Poulson:
Tony & Susan by Austin Wright
World Book Day: Literacy, learning to read, and dolls
Leap Year Special: Women Making Their Moves (click through for Guardian books section)
Cross-Blog Reviewing with Christine Poulson: The Tortoise and the Hare by Elizabeth Jenkins
2015: A Reading Acrostic - the books, the year, the names, the letters
Xmas 2015: A collection of seasonal pictures for books blogposts
Agatha Christie A List of Highs and Lows (Tuesday night 1)
Christie, Agatha A List of Christie Tropes (Tuesday night 3)
Christie, Agatha Clothes in Christie (Tuesday night 4)
Queen, Ellery Lamp of God and The Scarlet
Letters (Tuesday Night 2)
Queen, Ellery New Adventures of Ellery Queen (Tuesday Night 3)
Queen, Ellery The Last Woman in His Life (Tuesday Night 4)
Marsh, Ngaio Artists in Crime (Tuesday Night Club 1)
Book Titles from Hamlet (click through for Guardian books section)
+ Theories on Hamlet
Blog Tour for Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman
Thursday Lists: click here to see them all
More About the Mitfords
Books with Theatrical Settings
Jane Duncan: Overview and List
News and Follow-Ups on the Blog
The Best Crime Fiction Endings
Books set in Cathedrals and Churches
Books about the WW2 Homefront
Hanging Out the Washing
April Fools: Imaginary Books and Literary Hoaxes
Young Women Called Linnet, and One Old One
Wolves in Books and Book Titles
Top 10 Moments from Wolf Hall & Bring Up the Bodies
Books set in Schools
Books about the Tudors
Three Year Blog Anniversary Jan 2015
Emptying the bookcase: a project
Best books of 2014
Best Crime Books of 2014
Christmas Books: Reader Recommendations
Christmas Books
Best Older Women Detectives
Books that make me laugh
Young Women Detectives
Older Women Winning Through: Books like Miss Pettigrew
Jackson, Kate Vintage Mystery Subscription Box
The story of Harem Trousers
Seen From a Train Window (click through for Guardian books pages)
Misleading Book Titles (click through for Guardian books pages)
Baddies in Literature: Sylvia Tietjens in Parade's End by Ford Madox Ford (click through for Guardian books pages)
Twelfth Night in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Families in Literature: Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh (click through for Guardian books blog)
Women Fashion Power: Exhibition at the Design Museum
Bringing Up The Bodies: Coffin Opening in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Stockings & Nylons in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Poison Pen Week on the Blog: click here to find entries, and here to see an overview post.
Inspiring Blog Award
Agatha Christie: List of Top Five Favourite Books + Follow Up Post
May Bank Holiday - Garden Hats in Wilkie Collins
The Black Cap and the Death Penalty
Påskekrim – Norway’s crime weekend
First Name Challenge
Sue Townsend and Adrian Mole
Smog Special: Air Pollution is Nothing New
April Fools Day - 2012, 2013, 2014
Mother's Day - 2012, 2013, 2014
How to be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis
Covers of books - what were they thinking of?
Detective Stories
Dress Down Sunday - best Sunday undies
Children's Books
Clothes Panics
Weddings & wedding dresses
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2013 - 700th entry
Books of 1952
Booker shortlist of 1969 (& the book that should have won)
Literary Sex Scenes (for Guardian books blog)
Women in Trousers (for Guardian books blog)
The Opposite of Anachronism (for Guardian books blog)
Women Sharing Flats (for Guardian books blog)
Food and Recipes in books (for Guardian books blog)
Undressed for Success - Lingerie in Literature (for Guardian books blog)
Comfort Reads - Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford (for Guardian books blog)
Diaries in Literature (for Guardian books blog)
How TV might change Literature (for Guardian books blog)
Nuns in Books (for Guardian books blog)
Literary Pet Peeves (for Guardian books blog)
Sad scenes in literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Bad Mothers in Fiction (click through for Guardian books blog)
Shoes in literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Conscientious Objectors (click through for Guardian books blog)
Wedding dresses in books (click through for Guardian books blog)
OxCrimes Anthology 2014 Part 1 Part 2
Complaints about characters' names (click through for Guardian books blog)
Detection Club Dinner - Summer 2019
Barbies 1 & Barbies 2
Easter Poems
Schoolgirl Detectives + More Schoolgirl Detectives
Irish Novels for St Patrick's Day
Twelfth Night Again
Reprint of the Year Award
Caroline Crampton's Shedunnit podcast + another Shedunnit podcast
Armistice Day 2018
National Poetry Day 2018
William Shakespeare's Sonnet Sunday at the Globe
Best Book for Convalescents Best for Convalescents 2 - Reader Suggestions
Best Shipboard Books
Halliwell Film Guides
Clothes Panics in Books - Clothes Panics from Readers
Bodies From The Library Conference: June 2018
Evans, Curtis - editor Murder in the Closet (with contribution from Clothes in Books)
+ 2018 Trip to New York awards ceremony as the book was nominated for an Edgar
+ Mysterious Bookshop in New York
Best Crime Books of 2014
Second Birthday Highlights Jan 2014
Best Books of 2013
Best Detective Fiction of 2013
Best of the Blog 2012
One Year Blog Anniversary, Jan 2013
Best Crime Fiction Entries of 2012
Tuesday Night Club - Tuesday Night Bloggers
RIP Bernadette at Reactions to Reading
Valentine's Day
The Big Houses of Ireland in Literature
Petrona Remembered: A Book for Maxine
How Ballerinas Keep Their Stockings Up
Ian Fleming's James Bond Books - Roundup Post: James Bond in Love
Michael Lewis and the Birth of Online Commenting
Verdict of Us All: Best Christmas Mysteries
News Roundup on the blog
History and Mystery: Inaccuracies in Crime Books
History and Mystery: 1950s books, old and new
Guardian: Halloween: Seances and Fortune Tellers (click through for Guardian books section)
Author Interview: Christine Poulson
Children in Crime: The Curious Case of the Missing Children
-- re-blogged here
Crime in Costume: Masks and Masquerade/Fancy Dress Parties
Crime in Costume: Harlequins and Columbines
Crime in Costume: Holmes Fancy Dress Party
Verdict of Us All: A Book to Get Rid Of
Verdict of Us All: Just one More Book...
Verdict of Us All: Who Wrote only one good Book?
Edwards, Martin The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books
Christie Firsts: Best Introductory Books
Joint list with Christine Poulson: Books set in Universities
Cross-Blog Reviewing: Duranti, Francesca Happy Ending
Independent Booksellers' Week 2016: The Questions
Oxford vs Cambridge in Crime Mysteries (Tuesday Night)
Post on holidays and trips in Agatha Christie books (Tuesday Night Meme)
Guesting over at Prashant's Three C's blog
Toxic Marriages in Crime Fiction
Lane, Carla TV Writer and Landlady
Crime stories set in schools (Tuesday Night Academia meme)
Guest Blog: Hunting for Heroines on Sara O'Leary's This is Sadie
Crime and Travel: The Right Clothes (Tuesday Night Travel meme)
Fashion and Fiction at the V&A - Dunant, Sarah
Cross-Blog Reviewing with Christine Poulson:
Tony & Susan by Austin Wright
World Book Day: Literacy, learning to read, and dolls
Leap Year Special: Women Making Their Moves (click through for Guardian books section)
List for National Library Day
Blog Fourth Anniversary Post
Best Crime Books of 2015
Best Non-Crime Books of 2015
Cross-Blog Reviewing with Christine Poulson: The Tortoise and the Hare by Elizabeth Jenkins
2015: A Reading Acrostic - the books, the year, the names, the letters
Xmas 2015: A collection of seasonal pictures for books blogposts
Agatha Christie A List of Highs and Lows (Tuesday night 1)
Christie, Agatha A List of Christie Tropes (Tuesday night 3)
Christie, Agatha Clothes in Christie (Tuesday night 4)
Letters (Tuesday Night 2)
Queen, Ellery New Adventures of Ellery Queen (Tuesday Night 3)
Queen, Ellery The Last Woman in His Life (Tuesday Night 4)
Marsh, Ngaio Artists in Crime (Tuesday Night Club 1)
Book Titles from Hamlet (click through for Guardian books section)
+ Theories on Hamlet
Blog Tour for Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman
Thursday Lists: click here to see them all
More About the Mitfords
Books with Theatrical Settings
Jane Duncan: Overview and List
News and Follow-Ups on the Blog
The Best Crime Fiction Endings
Books set in Cathedrals and Churches
Books about the WW2 Homefront
Hanging Out the Washing
+ see also this entry on hanging out the washing
April Fools: Imaginary Books and Literary Hoaxes
Young Women Called Linnet, and One Old One
Wolves in Books and Book Titles
Top 10 Moments from Wolf Hall & Bring Up the Bodies
Books set in Schools
Books about the Tudors
Three Year Blog Anniversary Jan 2015
Emptying the bookcase: a project
Best books of 2014
Best Crime Books of 2014
Christmas Books: Reader Recommendations
Christmas Books
Best Older Women Detectives
Books that make me laugh
Young Women Detectives
Older Women Winning Through: Books like Miss Pettigrew
Scarey Stories for Halloween
The Best Book-to-TV adaptations
The Best Book-to-Movie Adaptations
The Mitford Sisters
Poison Pen Books
Books like I Capture the Castle
Best books, Best Crime Books
Jackson, Kate Vintage Mystery Subscription Box
The story of Harem Trousers
Seen From a Train Window (click through for Guardian books pages)
Misleading Book Titles (click through for Guardian books pages)
Baddies in Literature: Sylvia Tietjens in Parade's End by Ford Madox Ford (click through for Guardian books pages)
Twelfth Night in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Families in Literature: Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh (click through for Guardian books blog)
Women Fashion Power: Exhibition at the Design Museum
Bringing Up The Bodies: Coffin Opening in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Stockings & Nylons in Literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Poison Pen Week on the Blog: click here to find entries, and here to see an overview post.
Inspiring Blog Award
Agatha Christie: List of Top Five Favourite Books + Follow Up Post
May Bank Holiday - Garden Hats in Wilkie Collins
The Black Cap and the Death Penalty
Påskekrim – Norway’s crime weekend
First Name Challenge
Sue Townsend and Adrian Mole
Smog Special: Air Pollution is Nothing New
April Fools Day - 2012, 2013, 2014
Mother's Day - 2012, 2013, 2014
How to be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis
Covers of books - what were they thinking of?
Detective Stories
Dress Down Sunday - best Sunday undies
Children's Books
Clothes Panics
Weddings & wedding dresses
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2013 - 700th entry
Books of 1952
Booker shortlist of 1969 (& the book that should have won)
Literary Sex Scenes (for Guardian books blog)
Women in Trousers (for Guardian books blog)
The Opposite of Anachronism (for Guardian books blog)
Women Sharing Flats (for Guardian books blog)
Food and Recipes in books (for Guardian books blog)
Undressed for Success - Lingerie in Literature (for Guardian books blog)
Comfort Reads - Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford (for Guardian books blog)
Diaries in Literature (for Guardian books blog)
How TV might change Literature (for Guardian books blog)
Nuns in Books (for Guardian books blog)
Literary Pet Peeves (for Guardian books blog)
Sad scenes in literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Bad Mothers in Fiction (click through for Guardian books blog)
Shoes in literature (click through for Guardian books blog)
Conscientious Objectors (click through for Guardian books blog)
Wedding dresses in books (click through for Guardian books blog)
OxCrimes Anthology 2014 Part 1 Part 2
Complaints about characters' names (click through for Guardian books blog)
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